Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Poetry Analysis Essay the Relationship between Form and Content
Poetry Analysis Essay the Relationship between Form and Content Poetry Analysis Essay: the Relationship between Form and Content If you have been assigned with the task of writing a poetry analysis essay you may be wondering where to begin and what details you should cover when discussing a particular piece. Here are some tips that you can use to make this task more manageable and, in the course of your writing, gain a deeper understanding of the particular poem you are discussing. Many students will analyze a poem using a few common factors. These include: The language that is used in the piece itself including the choice of specific words by the poet; Specific imagery that the poet chose to include in the poem; The social factors that may have affected the poet when writing a specific poem. This is the content part here and all of these factors are very important for you to look at when you are writing a poetry analysis essay and all three of them look at the same element: the actual words that the poet used. However, when you limit yourself to examining the language itself, there is a lot of meaning and nuance that you are potentially missing out. What Poetry Is about? On the surface, it may appear as though a poet is trying to convey one meaning. After spending time digging down deeper into the poem and looking at it more closely it may become more evident that the poet had an entirely different thought or meaning in mind when he or she wrote a particular piece of a verse. When you look at the content and form separately, you have two different aspects that draw varied pictures. But when you analyze these two factors together, they can illustrate a very different story because a particular form can strengthen or weaken the utterance of an author and that must be taken into account. With that in mind, while looking into the form you need to pay attention to: How the verses are broken up; What the rhyming structure is; Whether the poet uses the traditional iambic pentameter system for their poem or a different metric system; Whether particular sections are repeated for effect or to convey a message. Each of these parts can affect a poem’s meaning and discounting them may lead to the fact that you miss what the writer is trying to say. For example, if a poet continues to repeat certain structures in a particular piece, it may mean that the theme expressed in the echo is much more important than you may initially believe. How Do You Break down the Poem and Make It Easier to Analyze? Breaking down the poem can actually make it easier to analyze. It is helpful to first look at the poet themselves. Finding out about their life and the era in which they lived can give you some valuable insight that may help you accurately analyze what they have written. Breaking the poem down stanza by stanza and looking at the form of each verse can help you look for the clues and information that you will want to include in your essay. For example, you can look at important elements such as: The tone of each verse. Does it change throughout the course of the poem? Does this tonal change contain important information about the poem? What is the structure of the stanza itself? Does it stay consistent throughout or is a particular verse written in a different structure? Is that differing structure repeated throughout the piece or is it simply an anomaly meant to highlight a particular image or idea? Which Aspects of the Poems Form Should You Focus on? If you are writing an essay and want to discuss the form of a piece you may be unsure of how to work these discussion points into the body of your essay. It doesn’t have to be hard if you keep a few important steps in mind. The first is to figure out what the thesis or basic idea behind your essay will be. This can help you by narrowing down specific stylistic points to focus on. Sometimes the style or form of a poem can be complicated and trying to write about every aspect of it may be overwhelming and may even seem confusing and disorganized for the reader. By narrowing down your commentary to specific aspects of a poem’s style you may find it easier to get your point across and lead your reader to the conclusion you want them to make. Once you start looking at a particular poem in depth you will begin to see how a stylistic point can become more or less important and this will help you determine whether it has a place in your essay or not. At you can buy an essay online which will be 100% custom written from scratch. All you need is to place your order at our site!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Useful Mandarin Phrases for the Mid-Autumn Festival
Useful Mandarin Phrases for the Mid-Autumn Festival One of the most important holidays in Chinese culture is the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival. Since the Moon Festival is at harvest time, it is a good occasion to celebrate the abundance of Mother Nature. Moon Festival is a time to gather with family and friends under the full moon sky while eating moon cake, pomelo fruit, and barbecued delicacies. Moon Festival Date Moon Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, so the date on the Gregorian calendar is different from year to year, but it is always on the full moon. The dates for Moon Festival are as follows: 2018 - September 242019 - September 132020 - October 12021 - September 212022 - September 10 History of Moon Festival As with most Chinese festivals, there is a story to go along with Moon Festival. There are many versions of the Moon Festival legend, but most of them involve the archer Hou Yi and his wife Chang’e. Many years ago, there were ten suns in the sky. Crops could not grow and rivers ran dry, so the people were dying of hunger and thirst. Hou Yi took his bow and arrows and shot down nine of the ten suns, saving the people. As a reward, the Western Queen Mother gave Hou Yi a potion. If Hou Yi shares that potion with his wife, they will both live forever, but if only one of them takes the potion, he or she will become a god. Hou Yi and Chang’e plan to take the potion together. But one of Hou Yi’s enemies, Feng Meng, hears about the potion and plans to steal it. One night, on a full moon, Feng Meng kills Hou Yi, then forces Chang’e to give him the potion. Rather than give the evil man the potion, Chang’e drinks it all herself. She starts to rise into heaven, but she feels a close connection to the world of the mortals, and wants to stay close to them, so she stops at the moon, the closest body to earth. Moon Cakes The traditional food of Moon Festival is Moon Cake, which is a pastry stuffed with filling such as egg yolk, lotus seed paste, red bean paste, coconut, walnuts, or dates. The tops of Moon cakes usually have Chinese characters representing longevity or harmony. Moon Festival Vocabulary Here are some Mandarin phrases for Mid-Autumn Festival: Audio links are marked with ââ€" º English Pinyin Traditional Characters Simplified Characters Moon Festival zhng qi ji Hou Yi Hu Y Change Chng moon cake yu bng admiring the moon shng yu reunion tun yun barbecue ko ru pomelo fruit yuzi give presents sngl
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Chemical Castration of Pedophiles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 19500 words
Chemical Castration of Pedophiles - Essay Example There is considerà °ble clinicà °l reseà °rch focusing on violent sexuà °l offenders, including child molesters. The relà °tionship of T to à °ggressive sexuà °l behà °vior in men hà °s à °lso been extensively reseà °rched à °nd some studies hà °ve shown positive correlà °tions between plà °smà ° T levels à °nd sexuà °l à °ggression. The chemicà °l cà °strà °tion treà °tment of sexuà °l offenders is à ° chemicà °l method of reducing the sexuà °l drive à °nd consequently à °ffecting the sexuà °l behà °vior of sexuà °l offenders. It hà °s been à °ssumed thà °t the direction of sexuà °l drive wà °s unà °ffected. Recent work with cyproterone à °cetà °te (CHEMICà L Cà STRà TION) showed differentià °l effects on sexuà °l à °rousà °l pà °tterns with à ° reduction of pedophilic sexuà °l à °rousà °l but less effect on the sexuà °l à °rousà °l to à °dult mutuà °lly consenting heterosexuà °l intercourse. Cyproterone à °cetà °te hà °s chemicà °l cà °strà °tionic, à °ntigonà °drotropic, à °nd progestà °tionà °l effects (Lià °ng et à °l., 1977). Its principà °l mode of à °ction is on the à °ndrogen receptors. CHEMICà L Cà STRà TION blocks the intrà °cellulà °r T uptà °ke, the intrà °cellulà °r metà °bolism of the à °ndrogens à °s well à °s the receptor binding (Mà °inwà °ring, 1977). CHEMICà L Cà STRà TION à °ppeà °rs to hà °ve à ° mà °in effect on receptors thà °t hà °ve à ° high à °ffinity for dihydrotestosterone (DHT). CHEMICà L Cà STRà TION hà °s both desirà °ble à °nd undesirà °ble side effects à °nd those influencing sexuà °l behà °vior à °re desirà °ble in the treà °tment of the pedohilià °. he side effects à °re, to à ° là °rge degree, dose dependent.... It is these individuls who need to be treted using chemicl pproch in ddition to cognitive behviouril therpy. Further, pedophili lone is very severe public helth problem of stggering proportions, with between 6 nd 62% of girls nd 10 to 30% of boys being the victims of sexul buse in childhood ccording to vrious studies (Peters, Wytt, & Finkelhor, 1986). Furthermore, in the United Sttes the costs of incrcerting individuls convicted of sexully busing children is stggering, with more thn two billion dollrs spent in 1990, while t the sme time there is no evidence tht the deterrence of incrcertion hs ny impct on the problem (Pithers et l., 1995). t this time, no one is certin of the cuse of pedophili nd other sexul devitions. In ddition, the ctul incidence nd prevlence of the pedohili is unknown. The level of sexul buse victimiztion of children in the generl popultion tody is firly consistent with tht reported by Kinsey (Gebhrd & Johnson, 1979). In study completed in the 1940s, 24% of 4,000 femles surveyed disclosed sexul interction with mle t lest five yers older thn them when they were 14 yers of ge or younger (Gebhrd & Johnson, 1979). Sexul intercourse occurred in 93% of cses, nd in 31% of cses there ws mild petting or fondling without involvement of the genitls. ntionl survey by the Federl Government of Cnd on sexul violence ginst children nd dolescents found tht 18.1% of children (23.5% of femles nd 12.8% of mles) were victims of childhood sexul buse. In only 20% of cses were the perpetrtors strngers, with friends, cquintnces, prents, nd other fmily members being the perpetrtors in the mjority of cses (Federl Government of Cnd, 1984). The ctul levels of the prevlence of pedophili in the generl popultion is unknown, but it
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
My Grandmothers Bedroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
My Grandmothers Bedroom - Essay Example One could not fail to notice the jasmine smell and the sweet scent of flowers that was right in front of her balcony. My grandmother had planted a lot of Chinese plants which she had valued them as medicinal through their good scent. Her green stripped door always reminded me of her favorite colors which he had grown fond of since childhood. The doorknob to the bedroom is aluminum plated one, which when touched, sends shivers down your spine as it is always cold. In opening her door, no one could fail to notice the sultry scent that passed through one's nostrils. The place had poor lighting as all the windows had been locked; hence one had to grapple with the main light switch at the right-hand side of the entrance so as to have light. Getting the switch is not an easy task too as your eyes maneuver through the dark lit room. After finding it, one always made a sign of relief as the place is just creepy. The first thing one always notices after switching on the lights in the bedroom is an old black sewing machine positioned in the center of the room. The machine has never been used for over 10 years and as far as I can remember, my mother ever told me that it was the best gift which my grandfather gave to her when they got married. One could not fail to notice how dusty it looked. Furthermore, on the furthest corner of the room, an old hanging clock existed. Though old, it still functioned. Dusty and hanging clumsily on the wall, no one could notice that the wall clock had been there for the past 20 years. Next, to it, there were three pictures, one for my grandmother, one for my grandmother and a picture of Virgin Mary. My grandmother was a Catholic and one could not fail to notice a rosary hang next to Virgin Mary’s portrait. This came as a surprise as most Chinese do not actually believe in Religion.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Obesity in Children Essay Example for Free
Obesity in Children Essay Conclusion Because the rate of childhood obesity is increasing at a disturbing rate, experts fear that this will cause a remarkable load of illness in the future of our children even now a growing number of diabetic young adults is becoming a norm. Preventing, identifying and treating of children and adolescents who are obese are becoming a core medical intervention priority for the government and all concerned institutions. Since there is not clear answer as to how and why children become obese and currently a variety of reasons blamed for this obesity including genetics, culture, habits, individual practice, parental practice, sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits and such. Research at the molecular level has been progressing, but there is no actual understanding as to the whole image from a biological viewpoint. One might realize that there is no singular factor that can be blamed for a child becoming overweight or obese, it is a combination of factors that plays a role in promote obesity. The increasing obesity rates not only in adults but also in children these trends, in conjunction with obesity’s medical, psychological, and economic effects, emphasize the need for interventions and policy advice aimed at preventing obesity. Directives to remove soft drinks from public schools have started in some cities but despite the variety and number of researches done on the topic of obesity one may note that it remains to be a critical health problem. It seems that there are no enough intervention programs that have taken place in order to curve the problem. It is noted that not enough is being done in order to stop the rising trend of obese children but time has come that it must be addressed as a rising and critical problem that needs immediate attention if we are to cultivate healthy children. It will be noted that as children are obese and they are reaching their adolescence, the decrease in physical activity and the predilection to junk foods, fast foods and such also decreases the mental capacity of the child in a sense that they are more apt to laziness because of decreased energy rather go to school and participate in class, most of them are sleepy and usually uncomfortable in their own skins. It is of note that this problems if persistent will make for a bleak future for our children, since the society is cultivating lazy, fat children who will turn out to be lazy fat adults. One can imagine how it would be like in the future. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle not only for our children but for ourselves as well should be a major thrust of the government if curving the current situation is to be achieved. The thought at a young age children will be subjected to diseases and concern that is normally associated with the elderly and geriatric patients should be carefully considered and rejected. In developing an afterschool wellness program the author notes that it is not as simple as devising exercise plans for the children. It is a holistic approach that requires a multifaceted planning that includes education, healthy diet plans and the actual activity period. And it is also noted by the writer that in order to curve obesity in children, drastic measures must be employed not only by the obese children themselves but the whole family and the whole community. Developing healthy eating habits and leisure activity changes require changes that involve the family in order for the child not feel left out or forlorn. It is also of note that simple family physical activities will help curve obesity. One may realize that everything starts out at home and spilled over to the school then to the community. If we wish to curve obesity in children and protect our children’s health it is imperative that the community in particular and the nation in general work hand in hand so that attention maybe given and directives to promote healthy eating in schools and within the community be fostered and community get togethers that involves physical activities, community dances in the park, weekend exercise program for the community can be facilitated by the general community so that everyone may take part in keeping the family and our children healthier and live fuller lives. References: Abbott Laboratories (2003) MERIDIA (sibutramine hydrochloride manohydrate). Product information. In Physician’s Desk Reference. Montvale, NJ, Thompson PDR, 2003, p. 475–480 Blocker D Freudenberg N (2001) Developing Comprehensive Approachesto Prevention and Control of Obesity Among Low-Income, Urban, African-American Women, Journal of the American Medical Women’s AssociationVol. 56, No. 2 pp. 59-64 Bray GA: Use and abuse of appetite-suppressant drugs in the treatment of obesity. Ann Intern Med 119:707–713, 1993 Centers for Disease Control, (1997) Guidelines for School and Community Programs to Promote Lifelong Physical Activity Among Young People. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1997; 46 (RR-6); 1-36 Center for Disease Control (2007) Body mass index. Retrieved 22 April 2008 from http://www. cdc. gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/index. htm Davidson MH, Hauptman J, DiGiorlamo M, Foreyt JP, Halstead CH, Heber D, Heimburger DC, Lucas CP, Robbins DC, Chung J, Heymsfeld SB: Weight control and risk factor reduction in obese subjects treated for 2 years with orlistat: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 281:235–242, 1999 Dietz, W.H. , Gortmaker, S. L. (1985). Do we fatten our children at the television set? Obesity and television viewing in children and adolescents. Pediatrics, 75(5), 807-812. Dietz, W. H. (1983). Childhood obesity: Susceptibility, cause, and management. Journal of Pediatrics, 103(5), 676-686. Dr. Paul. Retrieved 27 April 2008 from http://www. drpaul. com/illnesses/overweight. html ExRx. net. Retrieved 26 April 2008 from http://www. exrx. net/FatLoss/ChildObesityIntervention. html Epstein, L. H. , Wing, R. R. , Koeske, R. , Valoski, A. (1987). Long-term effects of family-based treatment of childhood obesity. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55(1), 91-95. EJ 352 076. Freudenberg N, Eng E, Flay B, Parcel G,Rogers T, Wallerstein N. Strengthening individual and community capacity to prevent disease and promote health: In search of relevant theories and principles. Health Educ Q. 1995;22:290-306. Gortmaker, S. L. , Dietz, W. H. , Sobol, A. M. , Wehler, C. A. (1987). Increasing pediatric obesity in the United States. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 141, 535-540. Graves, T. , Meyers, A. W. , Clark, L. (1988). An evaluation of parental problem-solving training in the behavioral treatment of childhood obesity. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(2), 246-250. James WP, Astrup A, Finer N, Hilsted J, Kopelman P, Rossner S, Saris WH, Van Gaal LF(2000) Effect of sibutramine on weight maintenance after weight loss: a randomized trial. Lancet 356:2119–2125, 2000 Litchfield R, Nelson D, Koch J, (2004), Guide to healthy kids: What parents can do, Iowa State University – University Extension. Iowa. Kien C, Chiodo A (2003) Physical activity in middle school-aged children participating in a school-based recreation program. Archives of pediatrics and adolescent medicine 157(8):811-5 Lohman, T. G. (1987). The use of skinfolds to estimate body fatness on children and youth. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation Dance, 58(9), 98-102. McLeroy KR, Bibeau D, Steckler A, Glanz K. (1988) An ecological perspective on health promotion programs. Health Education Q. 1988;15:351-377. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (1998) Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults: the evidence report. Obesity Research 6:51S–210S National Institute of Health, NIH Publication No. 97-4096 retrieved 26 April 2008 from http://adam. about. com/care/weightloss/weight_child. html. Roberts S, Savage J. , Coward W. , Chew B. , Lucas, A. (1988). Energy expenditure and intake in infants born to lean and overweight mothers. The New England Journal of Medicine, 318, 461-466. Ross, J Pate R. (1987). The National Children and Youth Fitness Study II: A summary of findings. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 58(9), 51-56. EJ 364 411 Serdula, MK, Ivery, D, Coates, RJ, (1993) Do obese children become obese adults? A review of the literature. Preventive Medicine 1993; 22: 167-177. St. Vincents Health (2004), Bariatric weight loss center of excellence, Retrieved 27 April 2008 from http://www.stvincent. org/ourservices/bariatrics/about/causes/default. htm Sjostrom L, Rissanen A, Andersen T, Boldrin M, Golay A, Koppeschaar HPF, Krempf M: Randomized placebo-controlled trial of orlistat for weight loss and prevention of weight regain in obese patients. Lancet 352:167–172, 1998 The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). NASPE releases first ever physical activity guidelines for pre-adolescent children. 1-2. 5-13-1998. NASPE. Wadden TA, Berkowitz RI, Sarwer DB, Prus-Wisniewski R, Steinberg C (2001) Benefits of lifestyle modification in the pharmacologic treatment of obesity: a randomized trial.Archives of Internal Medicine 161:218–227, 2001 Whitaker, RC, Wright, JA, Pepe, MS, Seidel, KD, Dietz, WH. (1997) Predicting obesity in young adulthood from childhood and parental obesity. New England Journal of Medicine 1997; 337: 869-73. Wolf, M. C. , Cohen, K. R. , Rosenfeld, J. G. (1985). School-based interventions for obesity: Current approaches and future prospects. Psychology in the Schools, 22, 187-200. Understanding Childhood Obesity (1999) Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA: Obesity. N Engl J Med 346:591–602, 2002.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The First Triumvirate :: Ancient Rome Roman History
The First Triumvirate "3 paragraphs, why did Caesar, Pompey and Crassus need the (amicittia) First Triumvirate." Crassus' motives for the need for the First Triumvirate according to Scullard are as follows, "Crassus supported a request from a company of tax-gatherers that the Senate should adjust a bad bargain which they had made in contracting for the taxes of Asia." His supporters had found out that Asia had been 'economically raped' due to the Mithradatic wars, where Asia was sandwiched. Cato, basically turning Crassus' political career towards the wall and going nowhere, rejected the one-third rebate. This was really bad in political terms his career had stagnated for such a politically ambitious man. Pompey's motives for the need of the First Triumvirate are according to Scullard both political and personal. As Scullard seems to suggest, " ... Pompey had been rebuffed by the Optimates in both his private and public life. Cato rejected a suggestion that Pompey should marry one of his relations, but of greater importance was Pompey's double request that his eastern settlement should be ratified by the Senate and that land should be provided for his veterans." Pompey who had promised his veterans land. The way he disbanded his army and approached the Senate alone requesting his reasonable requests seems to suggest that he was fairly confident that he had achieved enough, and that the Senate would pass the request, but instead the Senate rejected his requests. A few attempts where made to pass the land bill for his troops with the use of Afranius and Metellus Celer both proved ineffective. His political career had too stagnated and hit the wall, this would be going nowhere. The senate rejecting the ratification of the eastern settlement, which is perfectly normal due to the fact that sources suggest that Pompey did it on his own, will and did not consult the senate, so the even though what he did was an extraordinary achievement the Senate can say no and so they did. Caesar upon arriving back from his outstanding success, in Spain he paid back his enormous debt to Crassus and still a multi millionare. On his return he wanted a triumph and the consulship, but since he could not as a commander enter the city to stand for election, he asked the Senate for permission to stand in absentia. "Though there were precedents, the Senate refused." Caesar abandoned his triumph and entered Rome as an ordinary candidate.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Business Studies Customer Needs Essay Essay
‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd ’provide floor covering and high quality carpets all over the UK. The services that it provides are: * free estimating, * free carpet removal, * a quality fitting to your standard * a free car park adjacent to the shop. * Competition? ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ has quite a bit of competition. It is placed close to the ‘Spindles Shopping Centre’. Also there is another carpet shop quite close by to ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ called ‘Roll Ends’. But ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ is placed just off a high street and advertises around the country. Also, just about a mile away is another carpet shop, placed in the middle of a retail park. This could offer some competition for ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’. This is an image of the carpet right about a mile away from ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’.’Carpet Right’ is surrounded by other shops and is placed in a retail park. This is a bonus for customers to go to ‘Carpet Right’ because there are other furniture/carpet shops in the retail park and a there is a bigger car park. ‘Carpet Right’ is also placed around a busy motorway, so this means that many people passing will know that there is a carpet shop and probably go there in the future. * Where is it? This map shows ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ symbolised by the ‘A’ marker. This shows the regional area around the shop. As you can see, the shop is near to Manchester and has an excellent motorway link which can enable customers to travel to the shop conveniently. The satellite map above shows ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ via the green circle. It also shows ‘Spindles Shopping Centre’ by the red circle. The blue circle shows ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ competition ‘Roll End Carpets’. The map also shows the surrounding area of the shop and the local businesses of the shop. There are also a number of bus stops around the shop; this allows customers to travel to the business easily. There is also a tram link currently being made on ‘Union Street’ and this will then enable customers to travel to the shop easily and quickly. * The shop The picture above shows the front of the shop. As you can see the name of the business is clearly displayed all the way round it. This picture shows the inside of the shop. As you can see there are many rolls of carpets on display so the customers can experience the carpets before they buy it. This picture shows the rear of the shop. As you can see there is a car park for the customers. * The website This is a screen shot of the Google search I did to see how easy it was to find my business on the internet. As you can see it is the fifth business to come up on the search engine so it is very easy for the customers to find it. Here is a screenshot of the home page of ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’. You can see easily one of the types of carpets that they fit and in the bottom right hand corner their shop (the red circle). At the top of the page it shows the tabs which direct customers easily to the relevant section (the green circle). One way that ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ meets its customer need is by training its staff. They do this so that the staff know how to do their job and deal with any customers. Training them helps the staff to know how to deal with any problems in the business and what to do in different situations. Training the staff also gives them better knowledge of the product itself so that they can advise customers as to what carpet would suit their budget and requirements the best. A second way that ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ meets customer needs is by the quality of their service. They have to do this to eliminate and exceed whatever their competition is doing. A way that they do this is by giving its customers: free estimating, free carpet removal, a quality fitting to your standard and a free car park adjacent to the shop. By doing this ‘Lees Heginbotham’ can add this to and advertisement and this will increase customer satisfaction. A third way that ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ meets customer needs is by dealing with any complaints from customers. If there are any customer complaints ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ will have to deal with it immediately. ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ will have to be polite with the customer even if they are not. If ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ deal with a customer complaint quickly this might increase customer satisfaction.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
India: Foreign Trade Policy
India: Foreign Trade PolicyAlthough India has steadily opened up its economy, its tariffs continue to be high when compared with other countries, and its investment norms are still restrictive. This leads some to see India as a ‘rapid globalizer’ while others still see it as a ‘highly protectionist’ economy.Till the early 1990s, India was a closed economy: average tariffs exceeded 200 percent, quantitative restrictions on imports were extensive, and there were stringent restrictions on foreign investment. The country began to cautiously reform in the 1990s, liberalizing only under conditions of extreme necessity. Since that time, trade reforms have produced remarkable results. India’s trade to GDP ratio has increased from 15 percent to 35 percent of GDP between 1990 and 2005, and the economy is now among the fastest growing in the world.Average non-agricultural tariffs have fallen below 15 percent, quantitative restrictions on import s have been eliminated, and foreign investments norms have been relaxed for a number of sectors. India however retains its right to protect when need arises. Agricultural tariffs average between 30-40 percent, anti-dumping measures have been liberally used to protect trade, and the country is among the few in the world that continue to ban foreign investment in retail trade. Although this policy has been somewhat relaxed recently, it remains considerably restrictive.Nonetheless, in recent years, the government’s stand on trade and investment policy has displayed a marked shift from protecting ‘producers’ to benefiting ‘consumers’. This is reflected in its Foreign Trade Policy for 2004/09 which states that, â€Å"For India to become a major player in world trade †¦ we have also to facilitate those imports which are required to stimulate our economy. â€Å"India is now aggressively pushing for a more liberal global trade regime, e specially in services. It has assumed a leadership role among developing nations in global trade negotiations, and played a critical part in the Doha negotiations.Regional and Bilateral Trade AgreementsIndia has recently signed trade agreements with its neighbors and is seeking new ones with the East Asian countries and the United States. Its regional and bilateral trade agreements – or variants of them – are at different stages of development: * India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement, * Trade Agreements with Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, China, and South Korea. * India-Nepal Trade Treaty, * Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) with Singapore. Framework Agreements with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Thailand and Chile. Preferential Trade Agreements with Afghanista, Chile, and Mercosur (the latter is a trading zone between Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay). World Bank InvolvementAs a number of research i nstitutions in the country provide the Government with good, just-in-time, and low-cost analytical advice on trade-related issues, the World Bank has focused on providing analysis on specialized subjects at the Government’s request.In the last three years, the Bank has been working with the Ministry of Commerce in a participatory manner to help the country develop an informed strategy for domestic reform and international negotiations. Given the sensitivity of trade policy and negotiation issues, the Bank’s role has been confined to providing better information and analysis than was previously available to India’s policymakers.World Bank ReportsOver the last two years, the World Bank has completed two reports:Sustaining India’s Services Revolution: Access to Foreign Markets, Domestic Reforms and International Negotiation: The study concludes that to sustain the dynamism of India’s services sector, the country must address two critical challen ges: externally, the problem of actual and potential protectionism; and domestically, the persistence of restrictions on trade and investment, as well as weaknesses in the regulatory environment.From Competition at Home to Competing Abroad: The Case of Horticulture in India: This study finds that the competitiveness of India’s horticulture sector depends critically on efficient logistics, domestic competition, and the ability to comply with international health, safety and quality standards. The study is based on primary surveys across fifteen Indian States. A third study, dealing with barriers to the movement of professionals is under preparation.The Bank has also held a number of workshops and conferences with a view to providing different stakeholders with a forum to express their views on trade-related issues. | | | | | Permanent URL for this page: http://go. worldbank. org/RJEB2JGTC0| | Publications| * Studies on India-Bangladesh Trade (Vol. 1 of 2) * Studie s on India-Bangladesh Trade (Vol. 2 of 2) * Sustaining India's Services Revolution | | | | | | * Home | * Site Map | * Index | * FAQs | * Contact Us | * Search | *  RSS|
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Educational Technology Essays
Educational Technology Essays Educational Technology Essay Educational Technology Essay Executive Summary Educational technology, also known variously as e-learning, instructional technology and learning technology is the use of technology to support the learning process. Though technology is used widely in the administration and management of education (i.e. student records, marketing, procurement, finance etc, for research purposes, educational technology is only concerned with technology as it impacts upon the learning process, such as delivering learning materials, facilitating communication and providing course assessment and feedback. Over the years, societyâ„ ¢s use of technology has become more frequent and complex. The demand for knowledge increases exponentially, with e-learning emerging as a major channel for meeting this demand. The key to a successful future educational technology is software and how it will be utilized. The future will be enhanced by software with PACE (presentability, accountability, customizability, and extensibility) characteristics. Introduction Research has shown that the era of pervasive technology has very significant implications for higher education. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of survey respondents from the public and private sectors say that technological innovation will have a major impact on teaching methodologies over the next five years (Consortium Glenn, 2008). Technology allows students to become much more engaged in constructing their own knowledge, and cognitive studies show that ability is key to learning success, says New York City-based Queens College vice-president of institutional advancement, Susan Henderson. Presentability is how the software appeals to the user. For e-learning students having three-dimensional graphics, enhanced stereo sound, and interactive devices that students can control and manipulate are all necessary elements of successful software. To enhance the appeal of the learning process, Software should also have varied presentation modes so it can be used the three ways people teach and learn: as a whole-class discussion to introduce ideas and concepts; with several users to support cooperative learning groups; and as individualized instruction, adapting to the needs and level of each user (this has been accomplished by online classrooms like WebTycho and Blackboard). Accountability is the second essential component of PACE. Evaluations of student work and course progress is what allows teachers to provide individual assistance and encouragement. This type of accountability was showcased with AMBA 640 for the three LREâ„ ¢s. Without some type of evaluation and objective accountability, educational software is useless. Customizability is the third essential element of sound educational software. Educational Technology should be malleable in the hands of the teacher so that it can be individualized to suite the needs for the different students. Extensibility is the final component of the PACE essentials for educational software. Software that is extensible is easy to augment, easy to take beyond its own environment, and supportive of the creation of new things. Recent surveys with business conclude that the most desirable traits in new employees are effective communication, ability to work with others, leadership, flexibility and maturity, resourcefulness, inquisitiveness, and the ability to learn. Software with the PACE characteristics supports the development of these very traits. Future of Educational Technology The future of educational technology is consists of, but not limited to: 2 Way Communication (We the Media via blog and podcast), Social Learning (Facebook + Ning + Wiki), Hands On Learning + Virtual Project Management, Mobile and iPhone (Handheld), Fundamental cultural and generational shift (Digital Natives), Real time distance learning (Skype + Oovoo and Wimba), Findability for academic content, and Entirely new communication + interaction + business models (Top Future Trends in Educational Technology and E-learning, 2009). Because online learning is gaining a firm foothold in universities around the world. More than two-thirds of respondents from academia say that their institutions offer online courses. Many of them, especially those with a public-service mandate, consider online learning key to advancing their mission, placing advanced education within reach of people who might otherwise not be able to access it (Consortium Glenn, 2008). There are three major reasons why e-learning will continue to grow in the future: (1) the economy has tanked. Most companies are trying to achieve cost savings using e-learning technologies (i.e. online training courses, Intranet modules). (2) Students make more of a conscious effort make better use of their money and time; they will find ways to take advantage of e-learning opportunities. (3) Green initiatives for corporations will also create a need for e-learning. Educational researchers have found that Technology has had†and will continue to have†a significant impact on higher education (Consortium Glenn, 2008). Nearly two-thirds (63%) of survey respondents from both the public and private sectors say that technological innovation will have a major influence on teaching methodologies over the next five years. In fact, technology will become a core differentiator in attracting students and corporate partners (Consortium Glenn, 2008). (2009, June 5). Retrieved September 10, 2010, from Top Future Trends in Educational Technology and E-learning: http://compassioninpolitics.wordpress.com/2009/06/05/top-future-trends-in-e-learning-and-educational-technology/ Consortium, T. N., Glenn, M. (2008). The future of higher education. Retrieved September 10, 2010, from nmc.org/pdf/Future-of-Higher-Ed-%28NMC%29.pdf
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Life and Work of the Ancient Greek Poet, Homer
The Life and Work of the Ancient Greek Poet, Homer Homer was the most important and earliest of the Greek and Roman writers. Greeks and Romans didnt count themselves educated unless they knew his poems. His influence was felt not only on literature but on ethics and morality via lessons from his masterpieces. He is the first source to look for information on Greek myth and religion. Yet, despite his prominence, we have no firm evidence that he ever lived. Homer and Hesiod have ascribed to the gods all things that are a shame and a disgrace among mortals, stealing and adulteries and deceiving on one another.- Xenophanes (a Pre-Socratic philosopher) The Life of the Blind Bard Because Homer performed and sang he is called a bard. He is thought to have been blind, and so is known as the blind bard, just as Shakespeare, calling on the same tradition, is known as the bard of Avon. The name Homer, which is an unusual one for the time, is thought to mean either blind or captive. If blind, it may have to do more with the portrayal of the Odyssean blind bard called Phemios than the poems composer. Homers Birthplaces and Date There are multiple cities in the ancient Greek world that lay the prestigious claim of being the birthplace of Homer. Smyrna is one of the most popular, but Chios, Cyme, Ios, Argos, and Athens are all in the running. The Aeolian cities of Asia Minor are most popular; outliers include Ithaca and Salamis. Plutarch provides a choice of Salamis, Cyme, Ios, Colophon, Thessaly, Smyrna, Thebes, Chios, Argos, and Athens, according to a table showing ancient authors who provided biographical information on Homer, in Lives of Homer (Continued), by T. W. Allen; The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 33, (1913), pp. 19-26. Homers death is less controversial, Ios being the overwhelming favorite. Since its not even clear that Homer lived, and since we dont have a fix on the location, it should come as no surprise that we dont know when he was born. He is generally considered to have come before Hesiod. Some thought him a contemporary of Midas (Certamen). Homer is said to have had two daughters (generally, the symbolic ones of the Iliad and the Odyssey), and no sons, according to West [citation below], so the Homeridai, who are referred to as Homers followers and rhapsodes themselves, cant really claim to be descendants, although the idea has been entertained. The Trojan War Homers name will always be linked with the Trojan War because Homer wrote about the conflict between Greeks and Trojans, known as the Trojan War, and the return voyages of the Greek leaders. He is credited with telling the whole story of the Trojan War, but that is false. There were plenty of other writers of what is called the epic cycle who contributed details not found in Homer. Homer and the Epic Homer is the first and greatest writer of the Greek literary form known as epic and so its in his work that people look for information about the poetic form. Epic was more than a monumental story, although it was that. Since bards sang stories from memory, they needed and used many helpfully mnemonic, rhythmic, poetic techniques that we find in Homer. Epic poetry was composed using a rigorous format. Major Works Credited to Homer - Some in Error Even if the name isnt his, a figure we think of as Homer is considered by many to be the writer of the Iliad, and possibly the Odyssey, although there are stylistic reasons, like inconsistencies, to debate whether one person wrote both. An inconsistency that resonates for me is that Odysseus uses a spear in The Iliad, but is an extraordinary archer in the Odyssey. He even describes his bow prowess demonstrated at Troy [source: Notes on the Trojan War, by Thomas D. Seymour, TAPhA 1900, p. 88.]. Homer is sometimes credited, although less credibly, with the Homeric Hymns. Currently, scholars think these must have been written more recently than the Early Archaic period (aka the Greek Renaissance), which is the era in which the greatest Greek epic poet is thought to have lived. IliadOdysseyHomeric Hymns Homers Major Characters In Homers Iliad, the lead character is the quintessential Greek hero, Achilles. The epic states that it is the story of the wrath of Achilles. Other important characters of the Iliad are the leaders of the Greek and Trojan sides in the Trojan War, and the highly partisan, human-seeming gods and goddesses- the deathless ones. In The Odyssey, the lead character is the title character, the wily Odysseus. Other major characters include the family of the hero and the goddess Athena. Perspective Although Homer is thought to have lived in the early Archaic Age, the subject matter of his epics is the earlier, Bronze Age, Mycenaean era. Between then and when Homer may have lived there was a dark age. Therefore Homer is writing about a period about which there is not a substantial written record. His epics give us a glimpse of this earlier life and social hierarchy, although it is important to realize that Homer is a product of his own times, when the polis (city-state) was beginning, as well as the mouthpiece for stories handed down the generations, and so details may not be true to the era of the Trojan War. The Voice of the World In his poem, The Voice of the World, the 2nd-century Greek poet Antipater of Sidon, best known for writing about the Seven Wonders (of the ancient world), praises Homer to the skies, as can be seen in this public domain translation from the Greek Anthology: The herald of the prowess of heroes and the interpreter of the immortals, a second sun on the life of Greece, Homer, the light of the Muses, the ageless mouth of all the world, lies hid, O stranger, under the sea-washed sand.  Sources Reading Homer through Oral Tradition, by John Miles Foley; College Literature, Vol. 34, No. 2, Reading Homer in the 21st Century (Spring, 2007).The Invention of Homer, by M. L. West; The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 49, No. 2 (1999), pp. 364-382.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Panasonic- Participation Strategy in Brazil Essay
Panasonic- Participation Strategy in Brazil - Essay Example Organizations have a range of entry modes to choose from when entering a foreign market. The choice of entry mode depends on the specific requirements of the business. Primarily, it depends on the degree of control the business wants over its operations and the risk that the mode implies (Schmidt 2010, p.18). Depending on the level of control, entry modes can be grouped into high/full controls or low/shared controls. There are advantages and disadvantages to each mode of entry, which would be discussed subsequently. 3.1.1. Exporting Exporting is done by businesses who are intending to sell home-produced products in foreign countries. It is one of the most widely used modes of entry because of its simplicity. It saves the business the cost of setting up a production facility in the target country. It is preferable because it allows the business to penetrate the market slowly and steadily, without risking much. Although it gives an insight into future expansion, exporting, however, doe s not allow for a quick feedback to its customers. Exported products have tariffs levied on them and there are a number of logistical obstructions in delivering the product from the producer to the consumer (Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt 2011, p.176). 3.1.2. Licensing Licensing is another choice, offering benefits such as lesser capital investment and evasion of trade barriers. It allows a firm operating in the target country to use the company’s intellectual property and resources for introducing the business; albeit under the control of the licensor. Thereby, licensing does not offering autonomy over operations; in fact it makes the licensee rely more on the licensor. Licensing has lesser risks associated with it but it does not promote profitability in the long run nor ensures if the licensor would not exploit the company’s resources, becoming a competitor itself (Ireland et al 2011, p.177). 3.1.3. Strategic alliances Strategic alliances are yet another form of entry mode whereby the business works together with a company based in the local market. On the foremost basis, it allows the firm to gain strategic advantages, bypass trade barriers and to gain economies of scale. However, it requires that a lot of research is undertaken to find a company with which to corroborate with. The consequences of working with a company whose values and core objectives are not aligned with the company expanding abroad can completely undermine the purpose of such a venture. The degree of control can also cause significant ripples (Anonym 2008, p.16). 3.1.4. Foreign Direct Investment Compared to other entry modes, this mode of entry is generally feasible and allows the organisation to gain complete ownership rights of the facility without any share with a partner. It offers the organisation greater control over its operations and allows a deeper insight into consumer behaviour in the target country. Companies which cannot export products due to their characteristi c nature benefit greatly from such direct investment (Cullen and Parboteeah 2008, p.283). However a major drawback of such a venture is that it is time-consuming and not only requires extensive knowledge and skills transfer, but is also demanding in terms of capital and management (Ireland et al 2009, p.159). It is also takes time to establish the brand
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